On behalf of the BINARA team, we would like to invite you to take part in the forthcoming Third Annual Saudi Food and Drug Authority Exhibition (SFDACE) to be held on 30 Sep- 02 Oct 2019 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. SFDACE is the largest annual event for food, drugs and medical devices in Riyadh.
The fair is an excellent opportunity for Bulgarian companies interested in opportunities and expansion in Saudi Arabia and the Arab Gulf Region. You can either participate as an exhibitor or as a visitor.
SFDACE is held under the direct supervision of the Saudi Food and Drug Authority. Professional Saudi buyers from mass distribution, retail and manufacturing meet the opportunity to source products from several countries and trade with exhibitors displaying a wide range of global offerings of food, drug and medical devices. This event includes an exhibition with a scientific conference, workshops, B2B meetings, and more.
For additional information and support for the participation/registration process, please contact the Bulgarian pavilion organiser BINARA Company – the first services and products marketing platform presented in the Arabic language in Bulgaria.
BinAra LTD, Office 410, ul. “Osogovo” 88, 1303 Sofia Center, BulgariaTrading Department:
General inquires: INFO@BINARA.BG
024440888 / +359897684087
For WhatsApp click here https://wa.me/359897684087
Event website: http://www.sfdaconf.com / http://www.sfdaexhibition.com/