Sofia ranks 4th in cost effectiveness among large cities worldwide according to FDi Intelligence Global Cities of the Future 2018 ranking. In 2020, fDi Intelligence ranked our city 3rd in cost effectiveness among major European cities. With EUR 1.54, Bulgaria has the lowest total employer cost per EUR 1.00 of net salary in the EU.
Taxes & Fees
Business Taxes
corporate tax & personal income tax
value-added tax (VAT)
employer social security contribution
Property Taxes
property tax
waste collection tax for residential
buildings (on the taxable value)
waste collection tax for non-residential
buildings (on the book value)
real estate transfer tax
Vehicle Taxes
16 – 1313 BGN
annual vehicle tax,
depending on vehicle type
97 – 2088 BGN
annual vignette,
depending on vehicle type
Where are taxes paid?
State taxes are administered by the National Revenue Agency (NRA). These include:
Corporate Income Tax Social Security
Corporate Taxes Value Added Tax
Local taxes include:
Real Estate Tax Patent Tax
Waste Collection Tax Tourist Tax
Inheritance Tax Vehicle Tax
Donation Tax Tax for Dog Ownership
Taxes for Administrative Services
Tax for the Acquisition of Property For Consideration
Local taxes are collected on local level. They can be transferred to or paid cash at any revenue branch of Sofia Municipality. Here you can see the list of revenue branches and their bank accounts as well as the code for payment type you should fill in the payment order. The branches’ opening time is 8:30 to 17:00.