On a dedicated event in London, Microsoft announced the launch of a new initiative – AI for Earth, which aims to detect and develop artificial intelligence (AI) projects that will help solve important issues related to water, agriculture, biodiversity and climate change. AI for Earth plans to grant $2 million in innovative projects which include the use of Microsoft services and products. Another goal of the initiative is to access interesting startups, researchers and organizations and their insights on AI development, accuracy and efficiency.
To make AI for Earth more accessible the program will give to all participants access to Microsoft Azure compute time and its data science virtual machine offerings on Azure. It will also provide training and education what AI tools are available, how to use these tools and how the tools can help meet specific needs – through general session trainings on single issue areas, as well as through training for grantees.
The initiative has already supported 3 ongoing projects. Find out their stories and more information on how to join AI for Earth at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/aiforearth.