Bulgaria ranks 18th in the global Маnufасturіng Rіѕk Іndех – 2019 by the consultancy company Сuѕhmаn & Wаkеfіеld.
Sofia is shifting to high value-added manufacturing. This process is supported by the city’s R&D expertise. 70 000 people are employed in the industry.
Manufacturing in Sofia
8.5 bn BGN
annual total production volume
share of manufacturing
in the city’s economy
growth in exports since 2012
~ 3 bn BGN
invested in manufacturing annualy
+ 22%
growth since 2012 of investments in
tangible fixed assets (TFA)
264 mil BGN
FDI attracted by the computer and
communications equipment industry in 2017
Electrical equipment production
The production of electrical equipment has shown the highest growth and entered the TOP 3 of the largest industrial sectors. Its output for 2017 was 730 mil BGN with 623 mil being exported, thus becoming a main driver of Sofia’s export. Highly technological sub-sectors with a high added-value have been growing rapidly in recent years. The electrical equipment production in Sofia makes no exception.
+ 163%
in exports
compared to 2012
623 mil BGN
+ 52%
in employment in 2017
compared to 2012
Industrial and Logistic Zones
industrial and logistics parks
located around Sofia
1.4 million sq.m.
modern warehouses and logistics areas in Sofia