Invest Sofia took part in the official presentation of the pan-European macro project PRECISEU, in which we participate as partners together with the Health & Life Sciences Cluster – Bulgaria. The Regional Prime Minister of Catalonia, Pere Aragones, presented the project and identified it as the best example of how investing in science plays a major role in improving people’s lives. The ceremony took place in Barcelona, where the first meeting of all partners in the PRECISEU consortium is undergoing. It was attended by the CEO of Invest Sofia, Dr. Maria Hristova PhD and Kristina Eskenazi – President of the Health & Life Sciences Cluster Bulgaria, who are the official representatives of our city in the initiative.
The PRECISEU project aims to accelerate the deployment of personalized medicine in Europe, facilitate the digital and sustainable transformation of health systems and support the development of highly innovative products based on advanced therapies and health data. The budget of the project for the next 5 years is almost €23 million, half of which is provided by the European Union and the other half by the budgets of the participating European regions.
The project partners are now 12 regions of 10 Member States – Spain, Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Lithuania, Sweden, the Netherlands and Greece and one country associated with Horizon Europe – Ukraine. The organizations and companies in the pan-European consortium are:
BioRN Life Science Cluster Rhine-Neckar
Biocat, BioRegion of Catalonia
Sistema de Salut de Catalunya
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Plataforma de Organizaciones de Pacientes
AstraZeneca Farmacéutica Spain
North-East Regional Development Agency / Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Nord-Est
Asociatia Digital Innovation Zone Zona De Inova
Clusterul Regional Inovativ De Imagistica Molecu
Biotehnologichen I Zdraven Klaster
Sofia Investment Agency
Clust-ER Health – Emilia-Romagna
ART-ER S. cons. p. a.
Vlaamse Gewest, Medvia
Inovacijų agentūra
Sahlgrenska Science Park
Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH)
Rivne Interregional Medical Cluster
ProMIS – Programma Mattone Internazionale Salute Internazionale Salute
APSS Trento
NÖ Landesgesundheitsagentur
Carinthia University of Applied Sciences / Fachhochschule Kärnten
BioValley France
HSLU Hochschule Luzern
UKC Maribor / University Medical Centre Maribor
Bayern Innovativ GmbH