Cluster “Sofia – City of Knowledge” becomes another partner of Invest Sofia in the efforts to increase investment, improve the business environment and conditions in our capital. The Memorandum was signed by Maria Hristova PhD, CEO of Invest Sofia and Dimitar Hristov, Chairman of the Board of Sofia – City of Knowledge Cluster, and handed over at an official meeting today by Radostina Belcheva – Chief Expert at the Agency.
Cluster Sofia City Knowledge brings together the efforts of businesses from knowledge-intensive sectors with the municipality, scientific institutions, development, educational and financial organizations. The organization follows the mission to be an initiator and active participant in the process of transforming Sofia from a traditional administrative center into a smart city that builds and maintains a sustainable environment, good quality of life, and good governance by supporting the development of innovation and knowledge-based businesses. The strategic goal of the Cluster is to build its own model for a knowledge city and to create investment prerequisites for it through business initiatives and projects managed for the benefit of the members and the entire innovation ecosystem of the city.
Invest Sofia and Cluster Sofia City Knowledge will join efforts to transform the city into a national and regional hub for education, advanced research, innovation and entrepreneurship based on new smart technologies by mobilizing own and leveraged resources.
Being an open association of an unlimited number of interested representatives of business, science and education, the Cluster Sofia City Knowledge envisages organizing its own capacity for the effective use of human and financial resources of the city in the creation of an “innovation ecosystem” based on the experience of leading knowledge cities in the world. At the core will be the management of cooperation and interaction between companies in two main thematic areas: informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT) and new technologies in the creative and recreational industries. Invest Sofia will be an active participant and supportive partner in these activities as they will support the common mission of both organizations – to continue the process of attracting investment and human capital to the Bulgarian capital.