With Decision № 289 /21.04.2022 (announced on April 28,.2022) the Sofia Municipal Council approved the project proposals eligible to participate and receive funding under the second edition of the Accelerator Startup Sofia Programme. The Decision follows the rules for evaluating and ranking the project proposals adopted by the Managing Authority of the Programme and the Expert Commission of the Programme.
A total of 11 projects have been approved for funding under Decision № 748 of 28.10.2021 of the Sofia Municipal Council with a total budget of BGN 100,000. The list of approved projects is available HERE.
The budget of the Programme is provided through the Municipal Guarantee Fund for SMEs at the Sofia Municipality (MGFSME). According to the Decision of the Sofia Municipal Council, the MGFSME is assigned to conclude financing agreements with the approved candidates, control the implementation of the activities under the contracts, accept the final reports on the implementation of the projects and make payments under the concluded financing agreements.
The second edition of the Accelerator Startup Sofia Programme of Sofia Municipality aims to promote accelerated access to finance for innovative, start-up and social entrepreneurs in Sofia. The Accelerator will support all participants in developing and presenting well-founded proposals to potential investors and financing organizations by increasing their negotiation skills and encouraging them to develop and promote innovative products and services with high added value.
Accelerator Startup Sofia is a collaborative project by Invest Sofia, Municipal Guarantee Fund for SMEs, and the “Europe” Programme by Sofia Municipality. The application procedure was held from December 15, 2021, until January 31, 2022, on the website of the “Europe” Programme. A total of 24 projects were submitted, which showed the continuing interest of the entrepreneurial community in Sofia in the Accelerator Startup Sofia Programme of Sofia Municipality.